Our world is changing
— it’s time design did too.

Our Philosophy
is Simple —
We Design Communities Where People Can THRIVE.

2020 marked a transformative year that reshaped the values and priorities of Americans in profound ways. A staggering 68% of homebuyers now emphasize safety and security above all else, recognizing the home as their primary sanctuary, according to recent studies. This sentiment resonates with the broader shift in perception, where 93% of Americans now associate their homes with safety, followed closely by comfort and relaxation.

Beyond personal reflections, the pandemic has ignited a collective desire for change, with 54% of individuals aspiring to learn from this crisis and catalyze positive transformations, both in their individual lives and communities.

The study also highlights the strengthening of social bonds, with 40% feeling a deeper connection to their local communities and 39% experiencing heightened closeness with friends and family.

As a result, these adapted behaviors and values are birthing new norms, with 49% of consumers demonstrating a willingness to invest in products that prioritize high-quality assurances and verifiable safety standards, reflecting a society that is increasingly focused on safeguarding what matters most.

“Because sustainability matters, wellness matters,
neuroscience matters, beauty matters.”

Now more than ever before, design matters. Taking these consumer behaviors into careful consideration, our transformative design goes beyond walls – it’s a way of being. It’s the way a space makes you feel. It’s how we will connect, find comfort, and enhance our lives.

“Your home should tell a story, be uniquely you, and embody your ethos.”


We seek to educate through beauty and inspire a community of like-minded individuals looking to elevate our industry. The intersection of science and design is powerful; the impact beauty has on the human condition is profound.

We utilize neuroscientific principles to help guide this narrative and we draw our inspiration from nature, focusing on the cognitive science behind what makes something beautiful.

Exploring the innate and evident and establishing a direct, indirect, and physiological connection with our genetic origin can offer significant health
and wellness advantages. Here are just 5 of the nearly 100 principles of neuroscience used to understand human experience:


  • Biophilic Design

    Humans have an innate and genetically determined affinity for the natural world. Incorporating natural elements — such as sunlight, organic materials, and greenery — promotes optimal mental and physical wellness.

  • Fractal Pattern

    Visual fractals, or scaled, self-similar patterns in the environment, can mitigate physical stress and have a healing effect. Humans, in fact, are fractals.

  • Visual Complexity

    Moderate visual complexity is optimal and keeps stress levels in check. The significance is its strong resemblance to the structure of the human face.

  • Color Theory

    There is scientific evidence supporting the idea that colors are a form of nonverbal communication and have a profound impact on our mental health and well-being.

  • Subliminal Brain

    The subliminal brain is responsible for creating visual hierarchy among the elements of a creation and influences our behavior without our awareness.


We believe in sharing inspiration and information.
By establishing public channels for connection and creativity, we continue to increase awareness around neuroscience and provide a new holistic approach to beauty for homes, products, and spaces all around the world.